Best Practice Examples

The main question of the project is: which innovative contract models enhance the provision of environmental public goods while at the same time enabling an economically viable agricultural production?

The project’s focus to approach this questions lies on

1)   Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)-contracts including agri-environmental schemes (AES), that are either results-based and/or collectively implemented

2)   Land tenure contracts

3)   Contracts associated with the value-chain

All contract types may differ in their design and comprise distinct characteristics, potentially combining different contract-forms.

The classification is set out in the Deliverable “Key concepts to investigate agri-environmental contracts – Shared Conceptual Framework” (D1.1). In the fact sheets below (extracted from the Milestone MS8/2.1), best practice examples are organised according to their prevailing contract type and design characteristic.

   Land Tenure Contracts


Factsheet Results-based Action-based Collective Bilateral
Factsheet 10: BioBoden_DE     X X
Factsheet 11: Fairpachten_DE  X X
Factsheet 12: SCaMP_UK X X

   Contracts associated with the Value Chain

 Factsheet Results-based Action-based Collective Bilateral
Factsheet 13: HIPP_DE X X X
Factsheet 14: NeumarkterLammsbraeu_DE X X X X
Factsheet 15: Vittel_FR X X X