
Research Partners

Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
Bettina Matzdorf
Professor for ‘Ecosystem Services – economic and planning aspects’ and head of working group ‘Governance of Ecosystem Services’ at ZALF with research focus on result-based agri-environmental schemes and financial incentive instruments including payments for ecosystem services.
Bettina Matzdorf holds a PhD in Agricultural Science from the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (Germany). She holds the Professorship for ‘Ecosystem Services – Economic and Planning Aspects’ at the Leibniz University of Hannover. Bettina has long-term expertise in interdisciplinary environmental research. She has lead numerous international and national research projects (e.g. CIVILand, Bettina currently coordinates the AgoraNatura project aimed at developing an internet-based marketplace for ecosystem services and biodiversity. She is the chair of the Ecosystem Services Partnership Germany (ESP-DE) and a lead author of the TEEB Germany study on ‘ecosystem services in rural areas’.
In Contracts2.0:
Project coordinator (WP7) and involved in the ex-ante analysis of novel contracts using experimental approaches (WP5)
Edward Ott
Edward Ott is a doctoral researcher at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). He holds a master’s degree in Integrated Natural Resource Management from Humboldt University Berlin. His research interests include social-ecological systems and the governance of nature-based solutions to tackle societal challenges.
In Contracts2.0:
Since July 2020 he has been overseeing project management of Contracts 2.0.
Christoph Schulze
Christoph Schulze is a doctoral researcher at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). He is trained in Economics and holds a master’s degree in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh and a master’s degree in International Economics from Tuebingen University. His research focusses on participatory approaches and non-market valuation for effective environmental governance.
In Contracts2.0:
Christoph is involved in the ex-ante analysis of novel contracts (WP5) using experimental approaches. This involves applying Q-methodology and Discrete Choice Models to model consumer behaviour or conducting public good games to understand farmers cooperative behaviour.
Claudia Sattler
Senior Researcher at ZALF with the focus on governance of ecosystem services, in particular payments for ecosystem services (PES) and collaborative governance
In Contracts2.0:
part of the WP2 team (ex-post analysis of existing contracts), her focus is on institutional analysis of contractual arrangements
Margarethe Reichenspurner
Researcher in working group “Governance of Ecosystem services”.
In Contracts2.0:
Support of project coordination (WP7)

Research Institute of Nature and Forest
Francis Turkelboom
Senior Researcher Nature & Society at INBO with a focus on Ecosystem services, social valuation, local planning, sustainable agriculture, stakeholder interaction and living labs.
In Contracts2.0:
Co-Coordinator of Contracts2.0 and WP3 Co-Lead and mentor of 2 Contract Innovation Labs
Dieter Mortelmans
Ph.D. canditate at INBO with a focus on policy coherence. Research interest also in policy evaluation, payment for environmental services and certification, science-policy-society interactions.
In Contracts2.0:
Facilitating the Contract Innovations Labs with farmers (WP3). Mentor of the French and Dutch Labs.
Koen van Muylem
Spokesperson & webmaster at INBO with a background in language and journalism studies. Communication jobs in private, cultural and government sector.
In Contracts2.0:
Data Protection Officer (WP8)

Environmental Social Science Research Group
Balint Balazs
Executive manager and senior researcher at ESSRG with focus on sustainable agro-food systems and policies.
In Contracts2.0:
Supports the Hungarian Policy Innovation Lab.
Boldizsar Megyesi
Social scientist working at ESSRG as affiliated researcher with focus on rural sociology and rural development.
In Contracts2.0:
Policy Innovation Lab mentor and facilitator of the Hungarian Contract Innovation Lab.
Eszter Kelemen
Senior researcher at ESSRG with a strong interest in ecosystem services, knowledge co-creation and science-policy interactions.
In Contracts2.0:
WP4 co-lead and mentor of Policy Innovation Labs, supports the organization of the Hungarian CIL and PIL.
György Pataki
Senior researcher at ESSRG with focus on sustainability transitions and ecosystem services.
In Contracts2.0:
Supports the organization of the Hungarian CIL and PIL.

University of Aberdeen
Katrin Prager
Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen with focus on collaborative agri-environmental management, landscape governance, policy evaluation, social empirical research, transdisciplinary and participatory approaches.
In Contracts2.0:
Lead WP1 (Conceptual, analytical and sythesis Framework), Coordinator of the CIL North West England (WP3)
Jennifer Dodsworth,
PhD student in Geography & the Environment at Jesus College, University of Oxford and Research Assistant in the University of Aberdeen
Key words: cultural geography, political ecology, digital geography, rural heritage, farming & conservation, collaborative research methods
In Contracts2.0:
Research Assistant for the UK Innovation Labs (WP3/WP4)

Agricultural Research for Development
Celine Dutilly

University of Pisa
Francesco Di Iacovo
Dr. Francesco Riccioli
Researcher at the University of Pisa with the focus on rural development and management of natural resources. Special interest in forest management, land use change and agro-environmental policies.
Keywords: Spatial econometrics; GIS for territorial planning; Analysis of ecosystem services from socioeconomic perspective
In Contracts2.0:
Analysis of socio-economic and profitibality effects, including transaction costs (WP2)
Roberta Moruzzo

University of Ljubljana
Andrej Udovč
Professor of economics of renewable natural resources at Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana with focus on agri-environmental measures and common pool resource management.
In Contract 2.0:
WP2 co-lead and responsible for synthesis and implication derivation for the design of novel contracts
Janja Rudolf
PhD student in economics of natural resources and research assistant at Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana
Key words: multi-criteria-analysis, DEXi, collaborative agri-environmental measures
In Contract 2.0:
Development of quantitative multi-attributes models, DEXi analysis

Wageningen University

University of Warsaw
Katarzyna Zagorska
Ph.D. candidate at the Chair of Microeconomics, University of Warsaw with the focus on preferences towards public goods and pro-social behaviours. Interested in motivations, incentives and provision of information that promote desirable environemental behaviour change.
Keywords: consumer decision making; valuation; sustainability; information; behavioral environmental economics; pro-social behaviors
In Contracts2.0:
Experiments on farmers’ preferences for new design of agri-environmental-climate measures and consumers’ preferences for environmental labels. (WP5)
Mikolaj Czajkowski
Professor at the Department of Economics at University of Warsaw with a research interest in preferences and choice modeling, non-market valuation, microeconometrics and microeconomics. Focus on econometric methods for modelling consumers’ preferences and a range of field applications, including environmental economics.
In Contracts2.0:
WP5-Lead (Ex-ante analyis of novel contracts)
Milan Ščasný
Olimpia Markiewicz
Wiktor Budziński
Ph.D. candidate at the Chair of Microeconomics, University of Warsaw with the focus on on behavioral effects and spatial relations. Interested in econometric modelling of consumer preferences with application in environmental economics.
In Contracts2.0:
Analysis on farmers’ and consumers’ preferences (WP5)

Leibniz University Hannover
Birte Bredemeier
Research Assistant at the Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Environmental Planning, with focus on assessment and evaluation of ecosystem services
In Contracts2.0
Ex-post analysis of existing contracts (WP2),
Coordination of the CIL HIPP (WP3)
Christina von Haaren
Sylvia Herrmann

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Jens Rommel
Researcher at SLU with focus on the experimental and behavioral economics of agriculture and the environment.
In Contracts2.0
Conducting participatory Public Goods Games as part of the research activities in WP5. Co-lead of WP5.
Julian Sagebiel
Researcher at SLU with focus on non-market valuation and discrete choice modelling, applied to environmental and agricultural topics.
In Contracts2.0
Conducting participatory Public Goods Games as part of the research activities in WP5. Co-lead of WP5.

Madrid Institute for Research and Rural Development in Foodand Agriculture
Marina Garcia-Llorente

University of Copenhagen

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Dr. Marina García Llorente
In contracts 2.0:
mainly involved in WP3 and WP4, with some task in WP2 and WP5
Inés Gutiérrez Briceño
Graduated in Environmental Sciences by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2016) and currently doing a Master in Agroecology by the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU- Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet). I have been working on projects related to landscape restoration through agroecology at the University of Almeria. My main interests are focused on the rural world, its agro-ecosystems and how its traditional management has made us conserve different benefits and knowledge.
In contracts 2.0:
mainly involved in WP3 and WP4, with some task in WP2 and WP5
Action Partners

Deutscher Bauernverband
Christian Gaebel
Christine Hamon
holds a B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences and a M.Sc. in Integrated Natural Resource Management. Interested in developing feasible solutions for a harmonious co-existance of farmers and nature!
In Contracts2.0:
Leading the communication & dissemination activities (WP6) of the overall project and assisting with the Co-Lead of the Policy WP (WP4); Co-Coordinator of CIL and PIL North Rhine-Westphalia


Stiftung Westfälische Kulturlandschaft
Wolfgang Ganser
Team leader at the Westphalian Cultural Landscape Foundation, which has long been involved in the cooperative implementation of production-integrated nature conservation measures.
In Contracts2.0:
Action Partner and Lead of CIL NRW within WP3. Co-Lead of PIL NRW within WP4.
Tanja Brüggemann
Landscape planning engineer at SWK, focusing on production integrated nature conservation measures, including planning, implementation, advisoring and contract design.
In Contracts2.0:
Action Partner and Lead of CIL NRW within WP3. Co-Lead of PIL NRW within WP4.

Stiftung Rheinische Kulturlandschaft
Amelie Hassels
Project manager for the SRK (Rhenish Cultural Landscape Foundation), a nature conservation foundation with many years of experience in nature conservation consulting and implementation of cooperative production-integrated nature conservation measures in agriculture.
In Contracts2.0:
Action Partner and Lead of CIL NRW within WP3. Co-Lead of PIL NRW within WP4.

Natural England

Groupement d’Intérêt Public- Centre de Ressources sur lePastoralisme et la Gestion de l’Espace
Didier Buffiere

Őrség National Park Directorate
Istvan Szentirmai
Head of Nature Conservation Department in the Őrség National Park Directorate and regional coordinator of agri-environmental schemes, responsibel for management planing in nationally protected areas and Natura 2000 sites, involved in national bidiversity monitoring, expert in birds and butterflies.
In Contracts2.0:
Coordination of the Contract Innovation Lab in Orség National Park (WP3)
Eszter Czibik
Assistent in the Conservation Department in the Őrség National Park Directorate. As a landscape architect, my areas of expertise are rural development, nature protection and public space design
In Contracts2.0:
Coordination of the Contract Innovation Lab in Örség National Park (WP3)

Boerennatuur Vlaanderen (formerly ABC Eco2)
Sven Defrijn

Boerenbond (formerly Innovatiesteunpunt)
Sven Defrijn

Deutsche Umwelthilfe
Anne Siegert
In Contracts2.0
Assist in coordinating the AgoraNatura CIL on behalf of Deutsche Umwelhilfe.

Unione dei Comuni Garfagnana
Cinzia Lenzarini
Fabiana Fiorani

Bornholms Regionskommune

Bornholms Landbrug
Elisabeth Falk