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Implementing innovative contract models – results from the Policy Delphi

Implementing innovative contract models – results from the Policy Delphi

The second round of our online Policy Delphi study – focusing on opportunities to implement innovative contract models in the current ...
Collective AES – exploring Dutch farmers' motivation to participate

Collective AES – exploring Dutch farmers’ motivation to participate

To address the degradation of the natural environment, agri-environment schemes (AES) have been designed within the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy ...
Computer laboratory for economic experiments

Economic experiments for improving agricultural policy

The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is constantly evolving. Its evaluation tools must develop concurrently. Including economic experiments in the ...
Worldcafe Sheet

Policy Innovation Labs – The new age of policymaking?

The development of innovative approaches to strengthen the provision of public goods is at the heart of Contracts2.0. The corresponding ...
"Food provision in the 21st century" – How Contracts2.0 contributes to the scientific discussion

“Food provision in the 21st century” – How Contracts2.0 contributes to the scientific discussion

Food provision under ever more challenging environmental conditions might soon become a central subject for decision-makers worldwide. In June 2020, ...
Practitioners picture desirable farming landscapes for 2040 - Future Dream Contracts

Practitioners picture desirable farming landscapes for 2040 – Future Dream Contracts

“How do agricultural practitioners envision desirable farming landscapes and ideal agri-environmental contracts?” In a detailed report, we collect and present answers ...
The future of German agriculture – A task for society as a whole

The future of German agriculture – A task for society as a whole

"German Commission on the Future of Agriculture" ("Zukunftskommission Landwirtschaft") presented its final report to Chancellor Angela Merkel on July 6, 2021 ...
Contracts2.0 at the EAERE conference

Contracts2.0 at the EAERE conference

Researchers from the Contracts2.0 project participated in the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Conference (EAERE), presenting the food industry's ...

Willingness to collaborate in agriculture? A behavioural experiment shows positive results

Many environmental objectives in agriculture can be better achieved at larger spatial scales through cooperation among farmers. In the Netherlands agri- ...