CIL Bornholm, Denmark

Bornholm is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, to the east of Denmark, south of Sweden, northeast of Germany and north of the westernmost part of Poland. The island’s topography consists of dramatic rock formations in the north sloping down towards pine and deciduous forests, farmland in the middle and sandy beaches in the south. Farming on Bornholm is dominated by specialized farms. Roughly one third of the farmland is managed by pig farmers, one third by arable farmers and a fifth by dairy farmers.
Contract Type
• Agri-environment and Climate Measures
Contract Features
• Action-based Payments (exploring results-based)
Targeted Public Goods

„Dream Contract“ No. 1
Carbon Farming
The dream contract is not fully developed yet but will continue to develop over the duration of the project.
Our dream contract provides financial incentive for the farmers to maintain or shift to more climate neutral farming practices and to maintain and increase carbon stocks in soil and vegetation.
An accompanying objective is to support at shift in production towards protein crops for human consumption.
The contracts will further focus on farming practices that enhance the robustness of farming to future climate changes.
Contract Type
• Agri-environment and Climate Measures
Contract Features
• Action- & results-based Payments
Targeted Public Goods

„Dream Contract“ No. 2
Grassland Management
The main objective of the dream contract is to ensure continuous adaptation of the management of the contracted area to support biodiversity in dialog between the farmers and relevant local authorities. The dream contract includes a living management plan developed for the individual contract area identifying the main principles for the management. Control of the contracts are not needed as the continuous dialog between the farmer and the relevant local authorities ensures that the principles for the management are followed.
The dream contract is an add-on to the existing measures on management of permanent grassland. In contrast to the existing measure that is implemented at national level, the dream contract is implemented at the local level taking into account local priorities and local knowledge.

Visit CILs:
• CIL North West England, UK
• CIL Limburg, The Netherlands
• CIL Flanders, Belgium
• CIL Hautes-Pyrénées, France
• CIL Madrid Region, Spain
• CIL North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• CIL Bornholm, Denmark
• CIL AgoraNatura, Germany
• CIL HiPP, Germany
• CIL Őrség National Park, Hungary
• CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy

Visit CILs:
• CIL North West England, UK
• CIL Limburg, The Netherlands
• CIL Flanders, Belgium
• CIL Hautes-Pyrénées, France
• CIL Madrid Region, Spain
• CIL North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• CIL Bornholm, Denmark
• CIL AgoraNatura, Germany
• CIL HiPP, Germany
• CIL Őrség National Park, Hungary
• CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy