CIL Hautes-Pyrénées , France

The future of farming in CIL Limburg


CIL Hautes-Pyrénées covers a region that is characterised by mountain livestock farming and transhumance practices, relatively low population densities and valuable cultural landscapes characterized by multiple uses (production of cheese/meat as well as recreational activities such as hiking, skiing, bird watching and hunting).

Contract Type

• Agri-environment and Climate Measures

Contract Features

• Collective Implementation

• Action-based Payments

Targeted Public Goods

„Dream Contract“

Environmental objectives cannot be defined in a top-down manner. Their identification will be the result from a shared understanding of pastoral and ecological challenges and a co-construction of commonly shared strategies by the territory’s actors (farmers, elected persons, hunters, forest managers, protected areas managers, etc.).

The dream contract is designed following a global approach mobilizing the knowledge of experts and local actors. Its implementation relies on the flexibility of practices and the recognition of experiencing.

The overall objective is to maintain the tradition of transhumance in the area to secure the typical open landscapes and biodiversity-rich mosaic vegetation patterns. 


                    Didier Buffier